Announcement News

Chemical Science & Engineering Research: Inaugural Issue

Date : 04-Aug-2021

We are delighted to announce the first and inaugural issue of journal Chemical Science & Engineering Research. It is an international forum that focuses on publishing research that integrates wide array of disciplines under chemical science and engineering.

Chemical Science & Engineering Research aims to serve as an active platform and the need for a new journal can be explained by our unique approach based on experimental or theoretical, mathematical or descriptive, chemical or physical investigations. One of the key aspects of Chemical Science & Engineering Research is that the scope of the journal is relevant across multiple disciplines including environmental research, nanoscience, bioprocesses and bioenergy, corrosion science and engineering.

This encourages authors to make submissions that can contribute to the development of fundamentals, processes, designs and products involving chemical science and engineering aspects. Also, we expect researchers, scientists and academicians in the fields of chemical science and engineering to make original contributions throughout the progress of the journal.

Key aspects of this journal ‘Chemical Science & Engineering Research’ publication include Faster publication process (less than 30 days on an average); Complete online submission system; No processing and publication charges; Impartial and faster review process; High quality English editing service.

Chemical Science & Engineering Research is a tri-annual open access journal that publishes manuscripts under three major categories: Comprehensive research articles, Communications and Review articles.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank our editorial board members, authors and reviewers for their great support and contribution during the development of this inaugural issue. We look forward to your valuable contributions and your support in making this journal a success.