Ethical Guidelines

Ariviyal publishing is committed towards publishing original articles with high scientific quality, efficient processes for article submissions, vigorous and impartial peer review, high-quality author service, and high-level of publication ethics. Here we provide comprehensive guidelines for authors, reviewers, editors and publishers. These guidelines apply to all Ariviyal owned journals (Numerical Analysis and Applicable Mathematics, Nano Progress, Green Reports, Applied Research Frontiers, and Chemical Science and Engineering Research).

This section provides general guidance to Ethical standards and the code of conduct that should followed when you contribute to Ariviyal Journal. This section also includes ethical guidelines for editors, readers, reviewers and publishers.

Article Manipulation / Plagiarism

  • Article submitted to the journal should be an original work of the author and it should meet the academic standards.
  • The submitted articles which are under consideration should not be submitted / published elsewhere.
  • The words, figures or ideas of the other authors should not be used without proper citation or quoted text.
  • In case of using substantial amounts of wording from other published works / Images of authors in different journal may require permission from the copyright holder and the authors are responsible for obtaining this.
  • Ariviyal uses standard plagiarism software to find the plagiarism in the submitted work which overlaps content and similar text on the other published and submitted manuscripts.

Manuscripts that are detected to be manipulated / plagiarized / duplicate at any stage will be subjected to rejection.

Data Fabrication and Falsification

  • The data, images or theoretical calculation submitted to the journal should be original without any malpractices. If the submitted article / published paper is found to be fabricated or falsified is subjected to withdraw and rejection of the paper.
  • In case of any issues on the article related to data fabrication or falsification raised, Editor-in-Chief, Associate Editors or Editorial members may take responsibility in organizing a careful investigation with authors. If any unscientific or unethical activity is proved, the article will be immediately retracted and a retraction statement on why it is retracted will also be published. The retraction notice may contain information about the original article title and author list. When considering retraction of article, Ariviyal follows guidance from the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). Please visit the following link ( ) for more information.

Authorship and Acknowledgements

  • Authorship should be particularly given for only who gave intellectual and significant contribution in the research work and they are agreed to be an author.
  • The final version of the article should be seen by all co-authors and have approved for submission. The co-authors should be willing to take relevant responsibility for submitted articles.
  • Any change in authorship after submission must be approved by the all authors and given proper clarification to the editor.
  • Proper spelling of the author’s names and affiliation should be checked before final submission.
  • Authors have an authority to give proper acknowledgement to all workers, institution and funding contributed to the work.
  • The submission of the article is done only by the one of the authors they have listed.

Errors in Published Works

  • At any stage of the published work, when the authors find out a significant error or miscalculation in the published article, it is the author's duty to notify the journal editor or publisher and act together with the editor to withdraw or correct the paper.
  • In case of errors noticed in a published article, readers should contact the corresponding author(s) for clarification. While submitting additions/corrections, corresponding author should get approval from all the co-authors. All the additions / corrections (with the original article title and author list, citation including DOI, and details of the correction) should be sent to
  • It is completely author(s) responsibility to submit an error-free original manuscript for publication. Articles that contain incorrect, misrepresented, carelessly prepared, intentionally falsified or plagiarized data may be retracted. In such a case, Editor-in-Chief, Associate Editors or Editorial members may take responsibility in organizing a careful investigation with authors. If any unscientific or unethical activity is proved, the article will be immediately retracted and a retraction statement on why it is retracted will also be published. The retraction notice may contain information about the original article title and author list. When considering retraction of article, Ariviyal follows guidance from the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). Please visit the following link ( ) for more information.

Competing Interests

All participants in the journal process such as authors, peer reviewers, editors and journal Staff must manage their conflicts of interest when fulfilling their roles in the process of article review and publication and must disclose all relationships that could be viewed as potential conflicts of interest.

  • The conflict of interest is an unavoidable issue occurs outside the research which affects the objectivity of the work and its evaluation. The author(s) should take responsibility in providing conflicts statement if any to avoid further conflicts.
  • Editors may request that authors should sign a statement “I am fully aware of all the data in this study and I assure complete responsibility for the integrity of the data and the morality and accuracy of the data analysis.”

For more information on COIs, see the guidance from the (site any conflict of Interest from well reputed journal)

Human & Animal Welfare / Hazards

  • Studies involving the hazarders’ chemicals/ procedures or equipment and live animals / human subjects should provide a clear statement and ethical document where ever it’s necessary.

Authors should mention a statement that the studies have been approved by the appropriate institutional and/or national research ethics committee and have been performed in accordance with the ethical standards. The approval or case number should be provided.

Editor(s) and reviewer(s) responsibilities to authors

This section presents ethics and responsibilities of editors and reviewers. We strongly recommend editors and reviewers to read the guidelines carefully.

  • Editors should not disclose any information about the submitted manuscripts to anyone and it should be handled in a confidential manner.
  • Editors should treat authors, associate editors, editorial members and reviewers fairly and professionally throughout the peer review process and beyond.
  • Editor-in-Chief should be professional in the followings.
    • Should take clear decision to accept or reject the submitted manuscript.
    • Ensure the efficient, fair and timely assessment of submitted manuscripts.
    • Based on manuscript's importance, originality and clarity, and its relevance to the journal, Editors should take decision on submitted articles.
    • In case of scientific misconduct arises on published articles, Editors should take responsibility and enquire with the authors. Editors should follow the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) in order to go for retractions or corrections.
  • Editors should avoid sending invitation to reviewers who has a conflict of interest with authors.
  • Reviewers must not share or discuss about the manuscript with anyone outside the peer review process. They must keep the peer review process confidential.
  • Potential Conflicts of Interests: Reviewers may inform to the Editor-in-Chief if they hold any conflict of interest. If the reviewers invited to evaluate an article which they previously reviewed for another journal should not consider this as a conflict of interest in itself. In this case, reviewers can comment on the manuscript and they can highlight the changes made between the previous version and the current one.
  • Reviewer must avoid personal criticism on authors, co-authors or corresponding authors.
  • Reviewers must not contact authors personally about the paper or work.
  • While submitting your comments, reviewers must avoid suggesting authors to cite your published work unless otherwise it is appropriate

Data Protection

Information collected from authors, reviewers, editors, readers and all other Ariviyal users will not be used for other purpose and we do not share with any individual or organisation unless they are working directly with us. Please check Ariviyal Privacy Policy for more details.